Brave Beyond Scars

We stand with courage and compassion beside acid attack survivors. Join us in providing support, advocacy, and healing to anyone impacted by this tragic tragedy. Together, we overcome scars, recover lives, and create a future of resilience and hope.


Acid Attack Survivors Support

Facing an acid attack is not just a physical fight. It is an emotional and social issue. Such horrible acts leave profound scars that affect survivors' souls and bodies. Anik Mahila Samaj Kalyan Samiti stands in unity with acid attack survivors. We provide these survivors with hope, support, and paths to recovery and justice. Our purpose extends beyond emergency treatment. We aim to empower survivors via rehabilitation, legal help, and social recovery. We fight for a world where beauty is perceived beyond wounds.


Support for Acid Attack Survivors

Anik Mahila Samaj Kalyan Samiti is committed to supporting acid attack survivors through comprehensive care that addresses their physical, psychological, and social needs. We envision a society where survivors are seen, heard, and supported unconditionally, paving the way for their empowered futures.

What Is an Acid Attack?

Acid attacks are a horrible type of violence that results in serious injury to the body. But that's not all. These attacks can leave a long-term psychological trauma. Moreover, survivors endure serious challenges in terms of healing, societal acceptability, and access to justice. Anik Mahila Samaj Kalyan Samiti understands the gravity of these problems and is committed to supporting survivors at every stage of their road to recovery and justice.

What Do We Offer?

Medical and Psychological Support

We help acid attack survivors with essential medical treatments, such as surgeries and rehabilitation. We also provide them with psychological therapy to help them cope with the trauma.

Legal Aid

We provide legal assistance to survivors in navigating the complexity of the court system. We help them to seek and secure justice against their offenders.

Awareness and Advocacy

We organize awareness campaigns to educate society about the seriousness of acid attacks. We are fighting for tighter laws and regulations to prevent such crimes.

Skill Development and Employment

We help acid attack survivors with skill development programs and job opportunities. We guide them in rebuilding their lives, obtaining independence, and reintegrating into society.

Community Integration

We create platforms for survivors to tell their stories, increase awareness, and establish a supportive community environment. We want to promote social acceptance and understanding for these survivors to live a confident life.

How Can You Help?

Contact Us

If you or someone you know is an acid attack survivor and looking for help, contact us.

Together for Healing and Justice

We envision a future where acid attack survivors can enjoy lives of dignity, respect, and satisfaction. Join us to help, empower, and fight for acid attack survivors. We want to be the change that provides these survivors the strength to live their lives to the fullest.